Aesthetic Flat Closure
An important part of a woman’s recovery from breast cancer is adjusting to her new body. Optimizing the aesthetics of whatever type of reconstruction she chooses can help with that adjustment.

Aesthetic flat closure is a type of reconstruction following a mastectomy that gives women a smooth, flat contour to the chest. Women who do not wish to pursue breast reconstruction with an implant or their own tissue can choose to have an aesthetic flat closure. Different than a mastectomy without reconstruction, a plastic surgeon is involved in the surgery to optimize the contour and scars. Special attention is paid to smooth out extra skin and leave an even, flat chest without concavity or bunching skin. The scars are oriented in a way that allows the plastic surgeon to best address the extra skin while also ensuring that they can be concealed in regular clothing. These techniques can be especially helpful in women who have larger breasts, as there is more skin to address.

Benefits of aesthetic flat closure
- Even, flat contour of the chest
- Optimal scars
- Typically accomplished in a single operation (during the mastectomy surgery)
- Less surgery and recovery as compared to an implant-based or natural tissue reconstruction
Who is a candidate?
Any woman undergoing a mastectomy is a candidate for aesthetic flat closure.
What to expect
- Aesthetic flat closure is performed at the time of the mastectomy.
- The length of surgery and recovery time are comparable to a mastectomy alone.
- While an aesthetic flat closure is usually completed in a single operation, patients will occasionally benefit from a scar revision (usually under local anesthesia) several months later.
Is aesthetic flat closure the same as a mastectomy with no reconstruction?
No. Aesthetic flat closure pays special attention to smoothing out extra skin to give a neat, flat contour of the chest and optimally placed scars.
Do I need a plastic surgeon to perform aesthetic flat closure?
Generally, yes. A team approach allows the breast surgeon to focus on the tumor removal and completion of the mastectomy, while the plastic surgeon addresses the shape of the chest and the orientation of the scars. Some of the techniques used to address excess skin borrow from breast reduction surgery or local tissue rearrangement, which are very familiar to plastic surgeons.
Can an aesthetic flat closure be performed at a separate surgery after a mastectomy?
Yes. If a woman has excess skin or unfavorable scars after a mastectomy, a plastic surgeon can address these issues in a delayed fashion.
What if I change my mind? Can I undergo a breast reconstruction if I initially went flat?
Usually, yes. A later reconstruction is possible but could require a flap transfer or multiple surgeries to stretch the remaining skin and then place an implant.
Does insurance cover aesthetic flat closure?
Usually, yes. Aesthetic flat closure is a type of reconstruction following a mastectomy and thus generally covered by insurance.